Desire: the force that so many wish to either control or repress, the characteristic of humans that religions, politicians, oligarchs, and even your parents have all tried to eradicate from your state of mind.
The fact of the matter is that desire can lead to power, but power is not always a controlled and calculated attempt to rise to the top of dominance hierarchy. Power can also lead to taking something, or sadly someone, by force. Desire can lead to destruction.
With each single breath is there the possibility to remove desire from your life. Is it possible to put the mind toward something much greater than human material desires.
A breath of fresh air. The colors of the sunset. Focusing on the wind rustling the leaves. Closing one's eyes and seeing the mountain ranges. Remembering the scent of walking by the lakeside.
These are not desires, for the love of nature has already been obtained, and this love goes beyond any corner of the green and brown Earth. For what color does one give to the entirety of the cosmos?
For one small moment, recognize that the stars are not so far away and perceive the far side of the universe as much closer. Let every fiber and molecule of the human mind remember that the burning fires of the stars and the united clusters of galaxies share the same experience of existence as every thought you have ever had.
This love is more powerful than any material desire, for our desires can lead to destruction. This thought is more honest than any material accomplishment, for dishonesty can lead internal calamity, and for one brief moment, gaze upon the night sky looking toward the dark spaces in between the stars and contemplate.
Once the universe reaches its final ending place, the human mind can still imagine beyond it. There is a great power in both your mind, and in your heart. Let us become one with the Earth, and the universe, but let us never forget that ideas can move us to the infinite, the absolute, and the eternal.
One does not desire what one has already obtained.
Breathe the air. Look to the Sunset. Listen to the Wind.
There is no desire. There is only an idea that connects every mind that every existed to the idea that extends beyond the cosmos and beyond the material world. This love will never be broken.