Seoul, South Korea |
The Buddhists and the Jains put forth a plan to conquer this conundrum. They propose eliminating desires, and they both have their pathways on how to do so, yet in a world so evolving and so material, is that possible in the 21st Century?
What great thinkers and composers over the last two thousand years have battled upon (battling in the mind of course) is whether or not we can control our own destiny, fortune, and the end results. All the minds from Niccolo Machiavelli to Kim Il Sung have discussed this.
How do we put an end to anger, rage, and surges of adrenaline that lead us to destructive behavior?
To begin, we must choose a path of optimism. Anger can be alleviated, and the calmness of the mind can prevail. Next, we must choose a path of intelligence, for the ideas that are necessary to accomplish this must come from learning material and understanding humanity.
Optimism. Education. Understanding. These are ways to begin the process of eliminating anger and absolving destruction from the world. The last and most vital parts are ones that the material world has forgotten so much. Love, Kindness, Compassion, and Care.
Showing care for the the Earth, the Plants, the Animals, and other humans can all be done and is a foundation to absolving anger. It has been said before from many across different periods in time, if you want to bring happiness into your life, go out and do kind deeds for someone else. Before you can obtain the ideal emotional state you need, you must also go out into the world and help others who are less fortunate than you. No matter who you are if you are reading this, there are many who have less than what you do now, and need what you have to give them.
The solution always exists.
Optimism. Education. Understanding.
Let the journey to the elimination of anger and destruction emotions begin.